Thursday, November 12, 2009

How much does it cost to get cosmetic dentistry in the UK?

my dad wants his done and wondering how mcuh it costs, he has about 7 teeth that hes not happy with lol, how much would this rougly cost?

How much does it cost to get cosmetic dentistry in the UK?
£2000 - £3000.

It's cheaper in Poland (third of UK price), ...and they do a better job, ...and have a holiday at the same time (inclusive).
Reply:freind just had his done,front six ,dont expext much change from seven or eight grand for a good job

i had 5 teeth removed a partial denture, 2 white fillings and a detox (intense cleaning) this cost me £1700.00, think it all depends what the treatment is and the dental practice who's doing it.
Reply:you didn't mention whether your dad needs just white fillings, veneers, crowns or bridge work.

from best case to worst case depends on the dentist, but best case it costs about £300 for white fillings to approx £3000 or higher for bridgework.

may i suggest if your father is dentally fit that he joins a private dental insurance scheme. ones like denplan will be just a monthly premium and then all he pays on top of this is his laboratory fees.

or a cash back scheme like axa ppp or hsa where he gets 50% of his money back depending on the fee scale he chose.

the final ones are the ones run by the dentists or bupa that you are covered for everything for a monthly premium, these can be pricier so ask him to shop around.

there is normally a qualifying period that he must wait but if it means he can save money on his treatment its worth the wait. presuming your father is not having problems.

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