Thursday, November 12, 2009

Where in the world is the cheapest cosmetic dentistry?


Where in the world is the cheapest cosmetic dentistry?

I'm going to Northern Ireland at the moment...its not cheap but its cheaper then Dublin!!
Reply:In countries such as Bulgaria they dentistry is very cheap but there is a reason for this. I cant tell you the amount of terrible work i've seen done for patients who come home and are in trouble with it. You cant pop back to the dentist if it giving you problems and dentists at home do not like touching this kind of problems because they might get the blame! I suggest getting healt insurance and getting the work done at home where is safer.
Reply:the most expensive might not always be best, but the cheapest probably has a good chance of being low quality. I would look for something in mid price range.
Reply:I don't know about particular countries, but in the US there are dental clinics at teaching universities that are cheap or even free if you qualify.

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