Thursday, November 12, 2009

Does anybody know if you can get cosmetic dentistry on the NHS? i.e, porcelain veneers?

would be grateful for any answers :)

Does anybody know if you can get cosmetic dentistry on the NHS? i.e, porcelain veneers?
You gotta be joking? The answer is a definate NO.
Reply:ha, youre lucky to get a filling or even a dentist these days
Reply:i dnt really know if you can but let me know if u can would love to have that done
Reply:ha ha dream on maybe if u invent ur own nhs ha ha did u just wake up from a coma only joking. but seriously no hon. mayb if u had an accicdent they may arrange a discount, maybe
Reply:if u are an immigrant then yes, most likely, along with hundreds of pounds worth of benefits a week and a council house!!
Reply:Yes you can - my girlfriend is currently having Root Canal surgery and after that whitening, a re-crown, and a veneer all on the NHS. However there is a catch, it has to be done at Kings College Hospital but not by a student, by a teacher (ie a fully qualified dentist), whilst a couple of students watch. We couldn't believe it would all be done for free-but apparantly so. I also have a friend who has had two veneers. My girlfriends local dentist was kinda reluctant to sort this out, but if you ask there is a chance.

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