Thursday, November 12, 2009

Ok tooth question cosmetic dentistry?

i need a rough idea how much it would cost to have new teeth in the north west of england.mine are all crooked and falling to bits due to a calcium difficieny so i want them veneered or something.any clue as to how much i am looking at?and does anywhere let you pay a bit at a time?i am desperate to have this done so please help.

Ok tooth question cosmetic dentistry?
If it a essential treatment in NHS you pay around £300 for the course of treatment. If private then ur looking at around £400 per veneer or crown. Some dentists accept post dated check.

good luck

Reply:Try offering your body when u flash the cash..
Reply:You are probably looking at around $5000.00 for veneers.
Reply:It's approx £400-500 per tooth in the uk but I got mine done for £180

check this web site this is where I had mine done
Reply:You need to shop around, and be careful that whoever you go to is experienced in cosmetic dentistry - many aren't, as it's relatively new this side of the pond.

Be prepared to travel if you have to - if you're investing that much in your mouth, be sure the right person does it.

Good luck!
Reply:I am presently wearing braces to straighten my bottom teeth the dental charge will be around £380. Some dentists will let you pay monthly.

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